Privacy Policy

We take data protection very seriously when it comes to our online presence. Therefore, we are providing you with complete information about this subject concerning our website We want you to know what data we collect, when, and how we use it. When processing your personal data, we observe all legal requirements, especially those set forth under the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and German Federal Data Protection Act (“BDSG”).

The controler pursuant to Art. 4 (7) GDPR is:

Albicker Arbeitsrecht, Dr. Steffen Albicker,

Goethestraße 32,

60313 Frankfurt 


1. Personal data

We obtain your personal data, such as name, telephone number, or email address, only if you share this data with us explicitly, for instance, when you give us your email address so we can contact you.

We retain this data as long as it is necessary for the purpose for which you provided us with the data. After that, it is erased unless we are required to retain it for a longer amount of time on the basis of statutory retention periods. You may request information about your data at any time (for more information see the section “Your rights”).

This data is processed based on Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 letter f GDPR or Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 letter b) GDPR if you have an attorney-client relationship with us.

2. Collection, processing, and use of the data

Personal data provided to us online is collected, processed, and used only for the purposes communicated in the specific case. More extensive collection, processing, or use is carried out only if this

  • takes place for another purpose directly associated with the original purpose for which the personal data was collected,
  • is required based on a legal obligation or an official or court order
  • is necessary to substantiate or protect legal claims or to defend against lawsuits
  • serves to prevent abuse or other illegal activities, e.g. deliberate attacks on our systems.

3. Logging

When you access our website, your browser sends technical data that is then logged. Your IP address, your browser detection and domain, the name of the file retrieved, date and time of retrieval, the transmitted data quantity, and successful retrieval are recorded in a log file.

None of the data in the log files has any direct connection to personal data and is not combined with other personal data. We register your visits for reasons of data security in order to ensure the stability and operational security of our systems and to defend against unauthorized attacks. The log data therefore is used exclusively for internal purposes. It is deleted automatically after a period of 60 days. This data is processed on the basis of Art. 6 (1) sentence 1 letter f) GDPR.

4. Active components

When you visit one of our websites, we may store information on your computer in the form of a cookie. Cookies allow us, for instance, to improve the display of our website. If you do not want our cookies on your computer, please configure your Internet browser so that it deletes cookies from your computer, blocks all cookies, or warns you before a cookie is stored. 

5. Security

We employ technical and organisational security measures to protect the data that you have provided from accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction or from access by unauthorized individuals. In so doing, we have adopted standards and we improve our measures according to the latest technological advancements. Nonetheless, please note that, according to the latest technical standards, data cannot be fully protected when it is transmitted online.

6. Your rights

The GDPR defines a number of rights to which you are entitled in your dealings with us and any other enterprise processing your data. We would like to provide you with a more detailed explanation of these rights below.

  • You have the right to receive from us free of charge any information about the personal data being stored about you.
  • You have the right to request that your personal data be rectified.
  • You have the right to request that your personal data be erased unless statutory requirements oppose such erasure.
  • You have the right to request that your personal data be processed in a restricted manner unless statutory requirements state otherwise.
  • You have the right to obtain the personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format in order to transmit these data to another controller. In addition, you have the right to request that we transfer the personal data directly to another controller to the extent that this is technically feasible.
  • You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. If you have approved the processing of your personal data you may withdraw this approval at any time.
  • Finally, you have the right to file a complaint about our processing of your personal data to the competent data protection supervisory authority, in our case the Hessian Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1, 65189 Wiesbaden.

7. Use of script libraries (Google Web Fonts)

To ensure that our contents are displayed correctly and graphically appealing in every browser, we use script and font libraries such as Google Web Fonts ( Google Web Fonts for this website are transferred to the cache of your browser so that they only have to been loaded once. If your browser does not support Google Web Fonts or denies access, the content will be displayed in a standard font.


  • When calling up script or font libraries, a connection to the operator of the library is automatically established. Theoretically, there exists the possibility of collecting data for this operator. It is currently not known whether and for what purpose the operators of the relevant libraries actually collect data.
  • Here you can find the privacy policy of the operator of the Google library: https: // policies /privacy.

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